Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sports or Academics?

Today's news informed us that UK athletes senior Jorge Gonzalez and sophomore Aaron Boyd were suspended for violating team rules. Gonzalez will miss one game. We imagine there will be much gnashing of teeth over this as well as a lot of angry comments and discussions. Or maybe it's too early in the season for fans to worry.

During the uproar about UK letting Gillispie go and hiring Calipari a few months ago there were a few letters to the editor reminding readers that UK is also about academics, or that at least it should be.

It's a bit hard to believe that UK values higher education if you consider the money that gets funneled into athletics over academics, despite UK administration's protestations that it's separate money and that athletics help support academics.

What do you think? Does UK value athletics over academics? Do you think the distribution of money at UK is fairly distributed? Do you think there's a better way?


Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? Basketball has always been the focus of UK. I bet professors can tell you all kinds of stories about athletics being moved on up the academic ladder so as to not have learning interfere with the big game!

Anonymous said...

Well, when I came to Lexington, I found an OK University attached to a really good basketball team...

Now there is change: we have a more and more depressed University attached to a so-so basketball team and a really messy hospital construction site...

Todd will want a Congressional Medal of Honor for that.