Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Healthcare workers at the Medical Center are routinely offered flu shots about this time of year. This is common practice throughout the US since these types of employees are more exposed to flu than members of the general public.

This year, however, the UK football team got their flu shots before anyone in the Medical Center.

Just goes to show UK's priorities.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Where have all the Nurses gone?

Nursing Turnover at UKIt has come to the attention of this blogger that UK’s nursing turnover is hovering around 30%. This number may sound astonishing to many, and it is! The majority of the research investigated for this post reported the nationally average turnover rate is around 8%. With more nursing shortages expected in the future, what will UK do to retain the nurses it has and recruit new graduates? It certainly is not trying to keep them happy. Reports have already surfaced about cuts to the Baylor Plan and have offered no suggestions on retention of any employees, let alone qualified nurses! According to a meta-analysis “Turnover costs, in general, have been estimated to range between 0.75 to 2.0 times the salary of the departing individual (McConnell, 1999), while nurse turnover costs have been estimated at 1.3 times the salary of a departing nurse (Jones). However, these estimates may vary depending upon the human capital, e.g., the education, experience, and tenure of the nurse who leaves; the era during which the nurse departs, e.g., at the beginning versus the height of a nurse shortage; and other organizational and environmental factors, such as the local labor market and whether the organization is in a rural or urban location (Jones & Gates, 2007).” Let’s do some math. Of the 6,000+ employees boasted by UK Healthcare’s website, let’s estimate 1,500 of those are nurses with an average salary of $40,000. A turnover rate of 30% would mean that 450 nurses left their position. And even the smallest estimate of .75 times a nurse’s salary would put UK in the hole around $13 million!

So a few questions:

Is turnover where UK employee raises went?

What is UK doing (or not doing) to keep its nurses?

What should UK do to retain all its staff?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lee Todd Underpaid?

So Lee Todd turned down his annual bonus of $168,000, which one Board of Trustees claimed was such a "tiny" amount. It's admirable that Todd finally got the message that none of the people who work at UK appreciate his outrageous bonuses while staff and faculty salaries continue to plummet.

Now the Board of Trustees, who apparently live on Mars, want to re-examine Todd's pay package in case he might be underpaid.

Perhaps they're on to something. Just how much is Todd worth to UK? Will the Board take into consideration that the Todd's live rent free, have all their medical needs and insurance paid for, as well as their transportation (remember that second car it decreed was necessary)? And what's the value of all that cheap labor supplied by underpaid staff members?

Let's get a real picture of what exactly Todd is worth.

What do you think? What is Todd worth to UK? What would be a good salary for him, minus any bonuses?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Express Script - A Run for Your Money?

Another issue sent in by one of our readers:

"Some of you might have received a letter from Human Resources regarding the new home delivery plan from Express Scripts. I certainly hope it will save us money like it is supposed to. However, there is one aspect that I believe is 'true to form' for UK.

"The letter states that in order for you to continue to receive benefits, you MUST inform Express Scripts that you will not enroll in Express Scripts Pharmacy. According to the letter (emphasis in the original letter):

"Here's how it works: From October 15, 2009 on, you may obtain the first and second refills of your maintenance medication at any participating pharmacy. Starting with your third fill, you will pay the full cost of your prescription unless you move to the Express Scripts Pharmacy OR let Express Scripts know you choose not to participate in this program and want to keep your prescription at your local pharmacy.

"Why would HR force us to call Express Scripts if we simply wish to continue to get our prescription the usual way and do not wish to participate in the new program? Doesn't it make more sense to say, those who wish to participate in the new program, please enroll? Note that this letter is coming from UK's HR folks.

"In addition, note that the bold emphasis is reserved for the part which seems to indicate that you will pay the full price unless you participate. The other option is not in bold. I am not sure if this is intentional, but somebody who looks at the bold part of the sentence will be mislead into thinking that they will not receive prescription benefits unless they enroll.


We have that letter right here. It does imply that if a staff member doesn't participate they will have to pay the full price. Personally, we've never had a good experience with Express Scripts. They must be paying UK a pretty penny for its business.

When you read that letter, what did you think? Why do you think UK is doing this?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

UK Taking Over Public Property?

A very interesting post sent in by one of our readers.

"Is it true that UK is in negoations with LFUC goverment to gain control of many public streets on main campus to stop tobacco use which is scheduled to begin in November? How can UK control public property that is paid for by public tax funds? Is UK over stepping there authority? Can somone confirm?"