Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Real-Life Value of Sacrifice

So how are things in your area, your college, your department? Got enough faculty? Need more staff assistants? Running out of toner?

Tell us what you've had to give up due to the current financial restraints.

Then tell us how the amounts you've saved have been used/wasted by those who don't have to stick to budgets.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

UK a Little Top Heavy?

This came in as a comment to another post, but it's so good we're going to give it its own entry.

"Let's change the topic/entry to one about yet ANOTHER new assistant provost in undergraduate education, this one for Gen Ed oversight. A full professor with no doubt some sort of salary enhancement, while the rest of us aren't making SQUAT and haven't since the SALARY FREEZES went into effect."

Wasn't it Todd who said the university was too top heavy when he took over? Just before he started adding layer after layer of overpaid administrators, right?