Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Plea to Victims of the UK System

from one of our readers . . .

As I sit here working on my computer I am haunted by the faces of UK employees that are having there lives turned upside down. I am at a loss as how to help UK employees that are victims of harassment and bullying by supervisors or administrators at UK. I feel so helpless to help good people who mistakenly have involved HR to help with the situation only to find out that HR is there only to protect the interest of the University. HR will only help a victim when it involves breaking of a law only because they are there to protect the interests of UK. I am writing on this blog because there is no other forum to speak. If you were a victim of harassment or bullying at UK you know the utter helpless feeling. I am asking for input from prior victims on how to help others that are in the process of being victims of the UK system. What can be done to stop this abuse?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Todd Resigns (but not just yet)

his official notice to the UK community:

To all our loyal alumni and friends:

I held a press conference today announcing that June 30, 2011 will be my last day as President of the University of Kentucky.

This is a very difficult decision for Patsy and me. This University is the love of our lives, from the time we were undergraduates here and later during my time on the faculty. It has been an unbelievable honor to serve as President for the last 10 years. As I have said many times, this University is the essential institution to the future of our state, having the greatest capacity to improve the lives of Kentuckians, the strength of our communities, and the condition of Kentucky.

But 10 years is a long time. And the constant pressure and grind of a job that really is 24/7 has begun to take its toll. Our University needs and demands from its President a consistently high level of energy. To continue in this job without being able to give that level of effort would be a disservice to the institution I care about so much. So this is the right decision at the right moment.

I am proud of the accomplishments of this University over the last 10 years. We've made enormous progress - more Kentuckians enrolled, more research aimed at the tough problems facing our state, and greater outreach to touch the lives of every family and every community across our Commonwealth. And we've done it in spite of bad budgets and difficult challenges because of the faith and determination of students, faculty, and staff who have learned and worked and served here.

It's no secret that I've been frustrated with the economic and budget conditions that surround the University. But I have never been more confident in this University's ability to meet whatever challenges lie ahead and continue to make progress. The people of this University have the talent and energy to push our University - and therefore push our state - to new heights. Our alumni continue to support that mission. Together we've changed the way Kentuckians think about their state, their flagship university, and their future. We have helped them see what's possible. And we have helped them understand that the future of this University - their University - and the future of this state are one and the same.

Now, more than ever, we must continue to serve as a beacon of hope in a troubled time. There is much work still to do. That's what makes this decision very difficult. I want nothing more than for this University to continue to move forward and to continue to be a part of that. But the time has come for new leadership and energy and vision.

Patsy and I thank you for the privilege of leading this wonderful and essential institution.

Lee T. Todd, Jr.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Real-Life Value of Sacrifice

So how are things in your area, your college, your department? Got enough faculty? Need more staff assistants? Running out of toner?

Tell us what you've had to give up due to the current financial restraints.

Then tell us how the amounts you've saved have been used/wasted by those who don't have to stick to budgets.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

UK a Little Top Heavy?

This came in as a comment to another post, but it's so good we're going to give it its own entry.

"Let's change the topic/entry to one about yet ANOTHER new assistant provost in undergraduate education, this one for Gen Ed oversight. A full professor with no doubt some sort of salary enhancement, while the rest of us aren't making SQUAT and haven't since the SALARY FREEZES went into effect."

Wasn't it Todd who said the university was too top heavy when he took over? Just before he started adding layer after layer of overpaid administrators, right?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Another Day, Another Lawsuit

Yet another former UK employee has had to resort to legal action in order to address UK's flagrant discrimination.

Jeanne Suchanek is not the first woman fired for having breast cancer at UK or the first employee to be fired for a serious illness, and, unfortunately, she probably won't be the last.

We have heard horror stories like hers from all areas of the university -- supervisors and deans making their own rules, employees forced to lie on evalutions, and more. Of course these things are against the policies of UK but in the everyday real life of far too many UK employees the official policies don't mean a thing.

Our question is why aren't more employees speaking up?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuition Increase and No Raise for the Third Straight Year

According to Lee Todd's e-mail to UK folks today, UK "will not be able to provide across-the-board salary increases to faculty and staff."

Todd did acknowledge that "because hospital operations are generating sufficient revenue, the senior leadership of UK HealthCare continues to analyze whether they have the capacity to give a salary increase to their employees."

This story has been repeated so many times no one seems the least bit surprised.

Lest the students feel left out, Todd also announced a six-percent increase in tuition.

However, Todd did express some regret at being unable to give raises. "He said he would like to give the university's lowest-paid employees a raise of some kind — perhaps a one-time payment or permanent salary adjustment — but is not sure how to pay for it."

There now -- don't we all feel better?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Yes, You Can Buy Anything at UK

The Gatton College of Business Economics just sent out their invitation to the induction into 2010 Alumni Hall of Fame.

Guess who one of the inductees is? Yes, it is the same old Mr. Coal Lodge himself, Mr. Joseph Craft III.

I guess you can buy your way into anything, even the Gatton College Alumni Hall of Fame.

The irony is that the College just started a Center for Green Manufacturing!

(We wish we could say we were surprised.)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Morale Might Suffer?

Today's Lexington Herald-Leader quotes Lee Todd as saying "The biggest impact would be to the morale," in response to a question about consequences to a possible cut to funding. There is a possibility that state colleges and universities will suffer more cuts to their budgets in the next two years.

Morale might suffer? Evidently Todd's been on vacation for the last 18 months if he thinks morale isn't already suffering.

Let's see -- Todd has "flattened" the organization of the university by hiring more and more administrators. Staff have been without raises for two years. Jobs continue to be cut, forcing the remaining staff and faculty to take up the slack. The Board of Trustees continues to trust Todd to keep them safe from unpopular issues by not allowing visitors to speak to them (this also helps the Board work more diligently on finding ways to pay Todd even more). Todd and the Board were thrilled to accept coal money for a new building required to be named after a fossil, guaranteeing Kentucky being showcased on Leno and David Letterman.

Morale might suffer? God help us all.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

UK Continues to Value Its Staff

The Kentucky Kernel brings us the latest example of UK's sensitive and caring handling of an employee matter -- that of an employee having a gun locked in his glove compartment.

UK does not allow firearms of any kind on its property, unless they're carried by law officers. Evidently this includes firearms kept in complete compliance with the laws of Kentucky (section 8). In other words, UK doesn't appear to pay much attention to the law.

UK fired this employee, termination of employment always the easiest way to deal with personnel problems.

The employee is suing, of course. He and his attorney tried to work things out without an expensive, drawn-out lawsuit, but UK's said to have nearly all the attorneys in the area on retainer, so why should they care about lawsuits?

Besides, all publicity is good publicity, right?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Why Indeed

One of our readers asks:

Why in the world did the Assoc. Provost appoint 2 new Asst. Provosts in this budget climate 2 days after faculty and staff received a message from the President basically telling us to be ready for even worse layoffs, furloughs, and program reductions?