Friday, February 19, 2010

Morale Might Suffer?

Today's Lexington Herald-Leader quotes Lee Todd as saying "The biggest impact would be to the morale," in response to a question about consequences to a possible cut to funding. There is a possibility that state colleges and universities will suffer more cuts to their budgets in the next two years.

Morale might suffer? Evidently Todd's been on vacation for the last 18 months if he thinks morale isn't already suffering.

Let's see -- Todd has "flattened" the organization of the university by hiring more and more administrators. Staff have been without raises for two years. Jobs continue to be cut, forcing the remaining staff and faculty to take up the slack. The Board of Trustees continues to trust Todd to keep them safe from unpopular issues by not allowing visitors to speak to them (this also helps the Board work more diligently on finding ways to pay Todd even more). Todd and the Board were thrilled to accept coal money for a new building required to be named after a fossil, guaranteeing Kentucky being showcased on Leno and David Letterman.

Morale might suffer? God help us all.


Anonymous said...

For the life of me, I don't understand why the backbone of this University, rank and file staff doesn't stand up and with one voice shout "Enough of this Madness". "We will never be a Top 20 University". "The Legislature needs to fund UK". "All is not well at UK". "Morale couldn't be lower". "This Admin is a failure". "Dr Todd brags on reducing the costs of retiree's by cutting promises made by the Univ to long time employees". "Shame on you Dr Todd, your Admin and the Board of Trustees".

Anonymous said...

So, where is your proof, Joe Peek?

Keep pedding your stupidity and emails to staff members. You're a laughingstock at UK.

Anonymous said...

Morale might be low because mediocre and useless professors like Joe Peek get tenure.

Anonymous said...

Things are pretty bad where I work. Our bosses keep picking on us about stuff that doesn't matter. I used to like my job but I'm starting to think about trying for a transfer.

My friends over in the Medical Center and the university are going through the same things.

What's going on? If there are layoffs I wish they'd just come out and say it.

Anonymous said...

Who is that creep who is badmouthing Joe Peek here, although Peek is not in charge of this blog and doesn't write any entries? (Joe is my friend and I asked him about this blog - he denies any involvement)
Is it Lee Todd or one of his minions?

Talking About UK said...

One of the moderators here -- when a post comes in marked anonymous, it really is anonymous. In other words, we don't know.