Monday, December 21, 2009

Unofficial Wage Policy?

An interesting post from one of our readers . . . .

Is it true that HR said that there were over 3000 UK employees that were not being paid according to UKs unofficial wage policy? Is it true that the Staff Senate is attemping to right this wrong by making this unofficial policy official and mantory for all Depts? Why has UK held back wages for so many for so long? What can staff do to correct this injustice to long time employees?

We don't have the answers, but we sure would like to know, too.


Anonymous said...

I believe its long over do to send a clear message to the legislature. To either fully fund UK and the Top 20 plan or admit the funding will not allow the University to reach this mandated goal. I would like to see 5,000 UK employees and students in Frankfort in Jan to make sure they get it.

Anonymous said...

Worth another post: Why in the world did the Assoc. Provost appoint 2 new Asst. Provosts in this budget climate 2 days after faculty and staff received a message from the President basically telling us to be ready for even worse layoffs, furloughs, and program reductions?