Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Healthcare workers at the Medical Center are routinely offered flu shots about this time of year. This is common practice throughout the US since these types of employees are more exposed to flu than members of the general public.

This year, however, the UK football team got their flu shots before anyone in the Medical Center.

Just goes to show UK's priorities.


Anonymous said...

Priorities are out of order:
Men's basketball first, then women's basketball, then football team and ER workers.
Gatton professors go last.

robit said...


Plus, your post is completely inaccurate. Health care workers do not get the flu shot because they are exposed to more flu. They get flu shots so they don't get sick and come into work and pass on the flu to patients, who are of course sick and suspectible to all the complications of the flu, including death.

Pretty simple concept, and you failed to even understand it. Given that, I'm skeptical of anything else you posted.